Renowned TAPS team members Jason Hawes, Steve Gonsalves and Dave Tango, along with Shari DeBenedetti, reunite to revisit their most chilling cases and investigate disturbing new hauntings....
After the devastating cancellation of their hit show, "Destination Fear", Dakota, Chelsea, Tanner, and Alex rule out the option of ending their terrifying road trips and continue their paranormal investigations by uncovering some of the most haunted places in all of America and the world....
You saw him on Ghost Adventures, now, Dakota Laden takes his sister and best friend on a cross-country road trip to visit the most haunted locations in America....
Dakota Laden takes his sister, Chelsea, and best friends Tanner and Coalin on a five night journey to test the limits of fear....
Shock Docs: This is Halloween combines an impressive set of experts/historians and stars from many of the Travel Channel’s most popular series such as Ghost Nation, Destination Fear, Ghost Brothers, Kindred Spirits, Expedition Bigfoot, and The Holzer Files to reminisce on not only the history/origins of the holiday, but also recall their favorite memories of the celebrations, costumes, and scares....