The story follows our heroine, Lin Xiao Xia, a grassroots girl from the countryside with a dream of jewelry design, but the pressure of life forces her to hide her true self behind a mask of lies. She meets our hero, Lu Yi Ze – a spoiled, arrogant and self-willed rich young master of a jewellery company who dreams of living his own carefree life. Two people of opposite backgrounds quickly become friends despite their awkward meeting; under his encouragement, Lin Xiao Xia begins to tear down he...
A wealthy girl, An Xin’er, who accidentally gets fish scale skin and loves others wrongly, is trapped in chaos after being conformed. By chance, she is saved by the simple and kind Yu Sheng, and with his help, she cures the strange disease, walks out of the shadow, and writes a new life....
Food blogger Su Shiyu loses a business opportunity and is tasked with convincing Lin Wei, the son of a coffee chairman, to leave his meditation retreat and take over the family business. As she faces his resistance, Su Shiyu grows more independent and begins to appreciate his way of life, while Lin Wei becomes intrigued by her, leading to an unexpected bond....
Childhood nightmares, incomplete memories, and frequent suspicious cases on the way to find the truth about mother's death. Peeling back the onion, the Corpse never lies, a battle between justice and evil is about to unfold......
A notorious general and an aristocrat's daughter hold each other's hands to spend a lifetime together whilst protecting what's precious to them. Shen Jin grew up in luxury as a member of the royal family. After the emperor decrees an arranged marriage, she is married off to a general who defends the borders. Although she falls in love with her husband, general Chu Xiu Ming, at first sight, she finds it difficult to blend in. Shen Jin gradually sheds her spoiled and entitled attitude and become...
An arrogant and greedy graveyard discovers a snow-white woman in an ancient tomb as he searches for an ancient newspaper storehouse. This woman is actually a princess and has eyes that can see through everything from ancient times to the present. The arrival of the princess broke the peace of the world and their adventures made the two fall in love....
The film is based on the best-selling suspense novel "The Long Corridor" by Keigo Higashino. There are countless secrets hidden in the cloister pavilion mansion. After the rich merchant died of illness, a fire murder case that occurred a year ago was revealed, involving the first heir of the estate, that is, the illegitimate son of the deceased, making the distribution of the estate complicated....
May 6, 2012. Cable news reporter Laetitia is covering the French presidential elections, while Vincent, her ex-husband, demands to see their two young daughters. It's a manic Sunday in Paris: two agitated girls, a frazzled babysitter, a needy new boyfriend, a grumpy lawyer and France cut in half!...
Three free and romantic young people live a life with their own thoughts: some are eager to get rid of singleness, some want to debauch before getting married, some want to gain a foothold in the big city. Because of an emotional derailment, the three kinked into a mess of "joking and scolding". When various values collide, when a person needs to balance family friendship and love...their chaotic life is like half a comedy....