Star Chef is a celebrity food competition reality show produced by Jiangsu TV in China and purchased from the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). The competition system of this program is based on the British Celebrity MasterChef. Each season, different celebrities will be invited to wear special aprons for star chefs to meet food challenges with different themes. With a professional production team, a strong star lineup, an authoritative jury, and mouth-watering food, the show will present ...
Based off Gu Man’s very popular internet novel, the story tells of a kind hearted young girl who works at a big conglomerate. However one of her weaknesses is eating, she loves to eat, and so upon discovering this her boss decides to intentionally fatten her up; she just so happens to share the same blood type as his sister, and thus has the motive of making her the blood donor. Hence comedy ensues as she melts his heart with her exceptional appetite and her cute charm....
The Joy Luck Club is a 1993 American drama film about the relationships between ... Each of these women has an adult Chinese-American daughter. ..... Stone responded by calling Wang's Dim Sum: A Little Bit of Heart "boring" for its lack of ......
Mo Xiaofeng died unexpectedly in an adventure. At the funeral of Mo Xiaofeng who had been in love for 10 years, Yang Yixue got his legacy, a mysterious wooden box full of letters. With these loving letterheads, Yang Yixue's thoughts were flying and dusty memories were opened. She regretted that she had missed her lover. The "Mystery Wooden Box" has a magical traversal function, which can be connected with the past time and space. Yang Yixue wants to recover the lost love by continuing to communi...