Nogizakatte, Doko? (乃木坂って、どこ??) is Nogizaka46's TV show hosted by the Bananaman comedy duo, Osamu Shitara and Yuki Himura. The show usually feature the members' Senbatsu Selections and several other segments....
Nogizaka46 is making a big leap forward right now! Their activities range from live performances, varieties, dramas, movies, and models. In order to give these girls even more momentum, this program will challenge various projects that bring out new aspects and charms of the members!!!...
After the school bus breaks, the Freesia Academy students end up spending the night in a village in the middle of nowhere. But back at school, sinister things begin to happen. "In 7 days, we will be gone from this world"....
The park of Hatsumori, where Nanase and her friends grew, is in danger of being erased. Will it and its memories survive? Its future will be decided on a softball competition....
Musical featuring members of Nogizaka46 as characters from the Sailor Moon manga and anime franchise. It is produced as part of the celebration surrounding the 25th Anniversary of Sailor Moon....