Calabash Brothers is a Chinese animation TV series produced by Shanghai Animation Film Studio. It is also referred to as Bottle Gourd Brothers, Hulu Brothers, Seven Brothers and Pumpkin Brothers. In China, the series is popularly known as Huluwa....
Calabash Brothers is a Chinese animation TV series produced by Shanghai Animation Film Studio. It is also referred to as Bottle Gourd Brothers, Hulu Brothers, Seven Brothers and Pumpkin Brothers. In China, the series is popularly known as Huluwa....
Wu Qionghua, a house maid, is abused by a cruel warlord until she joins a troop of women soldiers....
Royal Uncle Cao is banished by the emperor because of his criticism. He becomes immortal with the help of other seven immortals, then the legend of Eight Immortals starts....
The marriage of Chunsheng...
San mao (3 hairs) was a very popular Chinese comic strip first published in 1935-37, continued from 1948 into the 1990s, about a young orphan boy struggling with life in Shanghai....
A group of losers trying to kidnap the famous conductor Herbert von Karajan....
Based on the famous novel of the same name by well-known author Ba Jin, this movie traces the decline of a large, wealthy family in the early part of the twentieth century. The story focuses on three brothers and how they respond to the expectation that they will each marry women whom their grandfather has selected for them. The lure of family money on the one hand and modern individualism on the other plays out differently among the young men. Critics consider this movie an indictment against f...
Based on the 1921 novella of the same name by one of China's most well-known modern writers, Lu Xun (Lu Hsun), the True Story of Ah Q is set during the 1911 revolution. Ah Q is a lowly peasant who wants to rise above his class, or at least get out of his grinding poverty. At first he thinks the way to do it is by marrying into a better station in life; later, he joins the revolution as he feels that is the only way he and others like him can transcend poverty. In this film version of Lu Xun's st...