Nao, a high school girl living a self-proclaimed "normal" life, is one day approached by her mysterious classmate Kiri in the school library. Kiri invites Nao to come with her to visit a scene of a murder in Kiri's neighborhood which she's using as inspiration to write a novel. Meanwhile, sisters Haru and Kei, witness their father being beaten by someone on their mountain cottage. The sister flee, only to be chased by the attacker. Kotone works at a coffee shop run by her father after failin...
The stage is five years after "Borderless", Nao, Kiri, and Kotone have started a new life on their own. One day, a novel written by Kiri will be published under the name of a popular young actress. Kiri is dissatisfied but cannot resist. In addition, "incidents" occur to trace the incidents in the works. They can't believe it's a coincidence, who imitated what and why? As they tried to get to the bottom of the truth, an inescapable tragedy struck them again......
Nogizaka46 is making a big leap forward right now! Their activities range from live performances, varieties, dramas, movies, and models. In order to give these girls even more momentum, this program will challenge various projects that bring out new aspects and charms of the members!!!...
Nakanishi Aruno is disliked and bullied by other Nogizaka46 members because she's different from them. After one of them lock Aruno and tell her to not come back, she decides to come back definitely....
Musical featuring members of Nogizaka46 as characters from the Sailor Moon manga and anime franchise. 2019 featured new members playing the lead roles....