Agle Janam Mohe Bitiya Hi Kijo is an Indian television series based on the story of an impoverished teenage girl who has to support her family. It premiered on March 16, 2009 and aired every Monday to Thursday at 9:30 pm IST on Zee TV. It garnered high TRPs for Zee TV. The series was supposed to be produced by Film Farm Pvt. Ltd. and was called Gauna until the writer Kamlesh Kunti Singh rechristened it. It replaced the long-running soap opera Kasamh Se of Zee TV, which was produced by Balaji Te...
The show focuses on the emotional journey of Manav, a simple, loving and devoted husband of Akanksha and a doting father of a 6-year-old, Yatharth. Manav and Akanksha have different points of view on principles and ambition. What will happen when the successful Vaibhav Kapoor enters their lives?...
Dekha Ek Khwaab was an Indian soap opera that aired on Sony Entertainment Television India and Sony Entertainment Television Asia. The series premiered on 21 November 2011 and went off air on August 2, 2012. It is the story of Moniya, a girl who makes a wish to become a princess. Her wish comes true overnight as she discovers that she is the long lost princess of the Devgarh Royals. The plot also involves a love triangle between the royal princesses, the royal prince Uday, and middleclass Akash...
A woman whose single purpose in life is to marry a foreign-settled groom decides to marry a 36-year-old Dubai-returned professional who is desperate for a bride....