The provocative story of Cole, a time traveler from a decimated future in a high-stakes race against the clock. Utilizing a dangerous and untested method of time travel, he journeys from 2043 to the present day on a mission to locate and eradicate the source of a deadly plague that will all but annihilate the human race....
Police negotiator Andrik faces accidentally kidnapper, former soldier Kornan, who keeps in hostage the Minister of Defence and Andrik pregnant partner Lena....
Police negotiator Andrik faces accidentally kidnapper, former soldier Kornan, who keeps in hostage the Minister of Defence and Andrik pregnant partner Lena....
A Czech medical television series that focuses on an emergency department. Each episode follows cases inspired by real-life stories and the cases of patients and healthcare professionals....
A Czech medical television series that focuses on an emergency department. Each episode follows cases inspired by real-life stories and the cases of patients and healthcare professionals....
Lukáš, Alžbetka's son, takes off into the world looking for happiness and love. His godmother, the celestial Lady Winter, keeps an eye on him. He arrives late in the fairy-tale land that she leads him to. Fear reigns where once cakes grew on trees. The miraculous ram has disappeared and the royal town is cursed. Lukáš has to decide what is closer to his heart: a fortune or love?...
After he dies in a car crash, a policeman's ghost observes as his family grieves and learns more about his life and death than they ever knew....