The events of the series revolve around the story of the rise from the bottom to the top of Abdel Ghafour Al Borai (Noor Al Sharif), starting from the agency of Hajj Ibrahim Sardinah (Abdul Rahman Abu Zahra) until he becomes a private business owner who makes a fortune, during which he has admired Fatima (Abla Kamel), a saleswoman. Al-Kushari, whom he admired, passes the days and marries Fatima and gives birth to his son Abdel-Wahhab (Mohamed Riyad), and four girls (Sunni, Bahira, Nafisa, and Na...
Two colleagues from Port Said meet each other during their studies. Nadia, the daughter of the wealthy Shaker, and Hosni, the engineer, the son of the poor fisherman, return to Port Said. Hosni's father suffers from the injustice imposed by the wealthy Shaker, Nadi's father. Hosni helps his father stand up to Shaker. Nadia offers Hosni a job in her father's fleet, but he refuses. Nadia decides to run away with Hosni and get married in Cairo. However, her father's men catch her and threaten to ki...
On the night of the wedding of Mohamed (Shukry Sarhan) with Adela (Souad Hosny), a letter arrives to Mohamed benefits that he was promoted and so moved to work in the Jabal "Ataka", but her mother, Aziza (Mary Munib) opposed her daughter from going with her husband to his place of work ,so Mohamed travels alone, Adila challenged her mother and follow her husband....
Ahmed and Mona who love each other since they were children cannot resume their relationship as their families disapprove of it and the lovers part ways. Years later, they meet again, Ahmed with his two kids, and Mona leading a solitary life. Will they ever be reunited in marriage?...
The saleswoman involves the love of her competitor in the region and tries to draw his attention to marry him, she succeeds in this and enjoys a beautiful life with her life partner, but her mother reads one day the news of the death of a wealthy man who reveals to her daughter that he is her real father, so Magda decides to live in the bliss of her father after her investments on the part The largest of the inheritance....
Based on the novel by Latifa al-Zayyat, which explores a middle-class Egyptian girl's coming of age against the background of the growing Egyptian nationalist movement before the 1952 Egypt revolution....
Manal arrives by mail containing a diary in the form of an unknown book from his writer, but the title is (Memoirs of Miss Manal), and hardly manal browsing through the book of memories until she finds a true picture of a huge relationship and memories of her life from the first moments, and about her multiple relationships since childhood Nails....
Amal, a tour guide in Cairo, doesn’t want to get married after witnessing her mother’s divorce, and has decided that all men are no good. With high hopes, she goes to visit the Aswan High Dam where a tourism delegation is. In a chance encounter, she meets civil engineer Ahmed, who intervenes in time to save her life after a near freak accident. After this, Amal must decide what she will do with her life: whether she will return to Cairo and whether to continue graduate studies in America....
Alawi is a theater director, who lives an unstable family life, as his wife does not understand the nature of his profession, and seems very jealous over him, as it does not lead him to the requirements of the home as he likes, which causes Alawi to spend most of his time outside the home, while during his discharge he plays one of the plays invading Dosa, Which finds her innocence something different from his wife, and feelings of love grow between the two, the wife knows about the relationship...
After he finishes his engineering study, Ahmed meets Layla the hooker and tells his father that he will marry her. The father refuses and stands in the way of this marriage and claims that he was in a relationship with this girl and events escalate....
Three people ( a police officer, a dancer, and a soccer player) have an accident across the desert road. They're taken to the hospital in critical condition. The doctors are able to rescue them by transplanting them new hearts. The police officer has the heart of a pickpocket and the dancer has the heart of a wrestler....
After her husband dies in an accident and she takes care of her children alone, Raja reluctantly agrees to marry Mounir, but she is exposed to many difficult situations that complicate her emotional and family life....
With the jewelry, Naji then betrayed Aziz and handed him over to the police, and Camellia delayed getting her share. Naji had a relationship with his shop worker, Nashwa, and he had previously deprived the hostess, Suhair, of her honor and delayed her marriage....