The story follows a forensic examiner Ran Yan, as she investigates the truth around her mother's suicide and solves murder cases one at a time. Ran Yan is an eighteen year old destitute noblewoman who grew up learning about autopsies and finding clues through corpses. She encounters a judicial official and an assassin by chance and finds true love through the course of searching for the truth. (Source: DramaPanda) ~~ Adapted from the novel, The Tang Dynasty’s Female Forensic Doctor, by Xiu Tan...
During the reign of the Long Qing Emperor in the Ming Dynasty (the mid-1500s), Lin Shao Chun is the daughter of a once-powerful government official. After being accused of embezzlement and corruption, her father — and the rest of the family — fall from grace. In an attempt to make ends meet, she joins a troupe of travelling performers where she meets Sun Yu Lou, the heir of a rich family. He falls in love with Lin Shao Chun at first sight. But she has no intention of remaining in the performing ...
Cheng Chumo, once a shiftless young man, transforms his life after falling for Fu Rou, a diligent merchant's daughter. To win her heart, Chumo dedicates himself to studying and eventually decides to serve his country by leading a campaign against coastal pirates. Meanwhile, Fu Rou becomes a court-weaving official through a series of events, complicating their secret meetings. As she uncovers dark secrets and a dangerous plot, Fu Rou and Chumo must use their wits and skills to overcome their chal...
"Real Actor" combines the three concepts of studio, workplace and battlefield. By recording the actors' workplace and the survival of the studio, the audience can see the real actor's suffering, the actor's difficulty, the actor's specialty, and see the most realistic "acting school"....
Set during the Ming dynasty, the drama revolves around the food bureau of the imperial palace. To host diplomatic corps and government intelligence agencies from around the world, the Yong Le Emperor decides to recruit women who are talented in cooking to the food bureau. After a tough selection, Yao Zi Jin manages to enter the food bureau as a palace maid. She meets Lu Xing Qiao, a former beggar and Su Yue Hua, a genius cook. The three of them work together and encourage one another, coming up ...
Zhang Chulan, an ordinary young man, gets entangled in an unprecedented world of "outsiders" when his grandfather's body mysteriously disappears. Facing unexpected pursuit from the Sinister Pleasure, a relentless organization, and the sudden appearance of an enigmatic girl Feng Baobao, Zhang Chulan decides to no longer hide his superpower. As Zhang delves into his grandfather's past, he gradually becomes part of the world of outsiders, where the mysteries of history start to unravel. Behind it a...
In 1910s China, nineteen year old Xie Xiang follows in her deceased brother's footsteps and enrolls in military school disguised as a man. She befriends her fellow cadets and and earns the respect of her instructors during the intense training. However, when the unfortunate arrival of the Imperial Japanese troops creates a web of distressing conspiracies, the batch and their allies are forced to prove their courage and resilience....
Two top assassins from rival agencies and their six-member team who with diverse backgrounds, and unique skills embark on a journey filled with challenges and crises....
A determined Qing dynasty princess contends with palace intrigue and a vendetta against her family while navigating the treacherous terrain of romance....
A group of young people working hard for their dreams in the city have decided to go to the green mountains to find other opportunities. In their venture to start a business, they inject the vitality of urban youth and the concept of market management into the countryside, overcoming many difficulties to to create a beautiful picture....
Hurry Up, Brother! is a Chinese variety show based off the original Korean variety show, Running Man. It is created by SBS and co-produced with Zhejiang Television. It first aired on October 10, 2014. This show is classified as a game-variety show, where the MCs and guests complete missions in a landmark to win a race. In 2017, the show officially changed its name to "Keep Running"....
The program brings together nearly 150 artists who cross the border to become athletes in the program to prepare for and compete in three categories of athletics, water sports and general events....
The male version of Sisters Who Make Waves. The show focuses on breaking the limit plus challenging oneself, and opening up the long-lost dream of being in a boy band for the brothers. Regarding the competition system, after three months of live-in training & subject assessment, the winning team will finally be born and make their debut in a group....
When a VR game conjures up a realistic dream, youth restarts for a man who returns to his schooldays in a journey of self-healing. Ten years after high school, Lin Shang He, Cui Zhen Yan, and their close friends think of a way to help Xia Shi get over the psychological trauma that he continues to suffer from since Ye Sang Yu's accident. A game takes Xia Shi into the world of virtual reality back to the time when he was a student, thus allowing him to unravel the mystery through his memories to r...