A heart-racing quiz show where three competitors must pit their wits and face off against the Chaser, a ruthless quiz genius determined to stop them from winning cash prizes. Each episode is a fast-paced battle of brainpower, where contestants are challenged to think faster than they ever thought possible to answer up to 166 questions across all topics....
The tournament features six former Jeopardy! champions competing round-robin style, with 10 hour-long episodes featuring 2 games each. Each of the 20 possible combinations of 6 players will be played, with all 6 players appearing in 1 game each episode....
Ken Jennings, Brad Rutter, and James Holzhauer compete in a series of matches in prime time. The first to win 3 matches receives $1 million and the title of “Jeopardy! The Greatest of All Time.” The 2 non-winners each receive $250,000....
Michael Strahan sits down with host Alex Trebek in a candid interview. Trebek talks about his life, his cancer battle and the upcoming "Jeopardy!" host episode where the show's greatest competitors face off....