The series explores the life of Irfan, an idealistic professor who is upset by his unfair dismissal and is trying to care for his sick son. As the doors close one by one, Irfan finds himself in the middle of a dark adventure that he can't escape....
Ismet is dead and his family and townspeople gather for his funeral. Meanwhile, the family talks among themselves about how they will divide the inheritance....
Yağmur, drawing pictures on electrical transformers for the public benefit, gets in a friendly and warm neighborhood that she longed for all her life, in her quest to get rid of her childhood traumas. This new adventure will not only relieve the longing for the warmth of a family she wished, but also opens the door to a totally new life where she will forget the pangs of love in her heart....
Tamer has a one night stand. He never sees the woman he was with again. His wife, Begüm, becomes suspicious of his behavior and makes him confess his crime. Tamer begs for forgiveness....