"Mariana & Scarlett" centers on two sisters with dreams of fashion success. Their close bond is tested when they fall for the same man, Roberto. Set in the glamorous fashion world, the telenovela explores the complexity of sisterhood, love, and ambition, leading to a dramatic love triangle filled with betrayal....
Camila meets her Prince Charming through a dating app. After an idyllic romance, she plans to surprise him — only to end up trapped in a false paradise....
Rafael Méndez is an ethical and noble man who dedicates his life to selling household items and is dating his neighbor Vicky Pardo. Alejandra Maldonado is a successful businesswoman and manager of the Ramenautos car dealership, she is engaged to Luciano Valenzuela. Rafael and Alejandra suffer a car accident that will trigger a series of events that will bring them closer. Rafael must pay off the debt he has left Alejandra with after the accident and this closeness will lead them to fall in love ...
Victoria Cuartas (Verónica Orozco) is a young woman like any other, she is very pretty and noble, but she does not know the dark secret of the man who would become her husband: Ramiro Rocha (Julián Arango), because he is one of the most wanted criminals of the country for crimes such as money laundering, murders and robberies. On their wedding day, the air force comes by surprise and arrests the couple....