In a world consisting of numerous isles, a young hero from the Astora Isle encounters the adventurer Kyle and follows him on an expedition on the isle. They meet a mysterious girl named Iris and a talking white cat, and together they make their way to the isle's ruins, where they find a flying island. Kyle becomes consumed by darkness there, and the party resolves to travel to the ends of the world on the flying island in order to find the seven "Great Runes", following Kyle's words before he di...
An animated tie-in for the video games The King of Fighters: World and The King of Fighters: Destiny....
Miss Black General is the villainous leader of RX, a secret organization bent on world-domination. Unfortunately, Miss Black General also has a huge crush on Brave Man, a costumed superhero dedicated to foiling RX's evil schemes, and she often mistakes his violent heroics for an overly enthusiastic form of flirtation. So how exactly is she going to to conquer the world when she can't even conquer her own feelings? And how will Brave Man respond to this odd twist?...
Miss Black General is the villainous leader of RX, a secret organization bent on world-domination. Unfortunately, Miss Black General also has a huge crush on Brave Man, a costumed superhero dedicated to foiling RX's evil schemes, and she often mistakes his violent heroics for an overly enthusiastic form of flirtation. So how exactly is she going to to conquer the world when she can't even conquer her own feelings? And how will Brave Man respond to this odd twist?...