A comic series telling the tale of a failing supermarket in a backwards town and following the daily events that take place within the supermarket. The series goes into the details of everything we don’t know about the behind the scenes occurrences in the supermarket – the relationships between the employees forced to work in a place they feel no loyalty for, the customers with their baseless and petty demands, the management’s abusive attitude towards the employees, and the private lives of th...
A sketch program that takes place in Grape Prison and brings the experiences of the guards, prisoners, and visitors....
After being tried for his crimes and released on parole, the young Captain Ran Nesher receives a new mission: to command a squadron of Mirage aircraft that not long ago lost its revered commander in battle. The squadron's deputy commander, Captain Eitan Rom is threatened by the appearance of his new commander, who seems to him to be irresponsible and inexperienced to the point of endangering the pilots. The power struggle between them causes tensions and dysfunction of the squadron. When the two...