Tino, a single father who faces great challenges in raising his two children, finds out one day that he is also the father of two rebellious teenagers, children of Aidé, a former high school classmate who has become an important businesswoman. For Tino, this news becomes an opportunity to take on the role of father of the children he never knew he had. Thus, he begins to work at Aidé's company, but everything gets complicated when Tino and his family move into Aidé's house to integrate into her ...
Inspired by The Farewell director Lulu Wang's call to action at the 2020 Independent Spirit Awards, we celebrate women filmmakers working in their field....
Alegrijes y Rebujos is a Mexican soap opera which became very popular with children and adults in 2003 and 2004. The child actors came from the reality show Código F.A.M.A.. The first place winner, Miguel Martinez, earned the lead role. He shared the spotlight with the other finalists María Chacón, Diego González, Allisson Lozano, Michelle Álvarez, Nora Cano, Jesús Zavala and Tony Cobian....
After winning the lottery 15 years ago, Tino and his family start experiencing economical problems. Tino askes his neighbor for help, but his neighbor has his own issues too....
While blind drunk, two unemployed millennials entrepreneurs drunkenly post a video pitch about their revolutionary app to a crowdfunding site. When the app catches fire and they accidentally raise millions of dollars they actually have to create the app....