This tells the story about a policewoman, Ran Dongdong, who solves the "Big Trap Case" and raises reflections and questions about marriage and love in the process of doing...
Yan Xiao Chen is an ordinary girl born in a happy family; but in the final year of high school, her life took a drastic change. To earn money to pay her school fees, she works part-time at the bar. There, she meets Cheng Jin Yuan, a wealthy guy. This causes her boyfriend Shen Hou to be jealous. After graduation from university, Xiao Chen and Shen Hou struggle to manage their career. But through hard work, they managed to achieve satisfactory results and eventually decided to get married. Howeve...
Lin Meiya is on a plane returning home from her studies abroad when she encounters Ou Yang due to a misunderstanding. She had planned to get married upon her return but is unexpectedly met with her boyfriend's cold betrayal. Learning to stand up and move on from heartbreak, she finds employment at Ou Yang's company. As they spend time together, their relationship deepens beyond simple friendship, and they learn to rely on each other through difficult times....
Luo Xiang, a former narcotics agent, faked his death during an undercover operation. Five years later, he's living under a new name, but needs to pretend to be his old self and once again infiltrate the drug cartel, dealing with his former lover, brothers and enemies, to finally successfully complete the mission and find out who's pulling the strings....
Gao Liang and Gu Yi Ye are good friends and rivals since they joined the army. They fall in love with the same girl, Jiang Nan Zheng. However, Gu Yi Ye eventually gives up his love in the name of friendship and marries A Xiu, the daughter of their old squad leader who died in a war. As time passes, Gao Liang not only stays true to his heart but also shoulders the duties and mission of a soldier. In 2003, Gao Liang and Jiang Nan Cheng got married and formed a happy family. In 2008, Gao Liang, who...
A six-unit story about the dedication and sacrifice of young citizens in different industries....