Set in the year 2035, humanoid robots that are indistinguishable from humans have raised public concerns due to their rapid advancement. The members of "Mingmou" organization, Cheng Nuo, a level-headed individual, and An Qiu, who excels in empathy, join forces to unravel the mysteries behind the continuous murders of humanoid robots. Amidst the complexities of life, the boundary between humans and humanoid robots blurs. The fate of both humans and humanoid robots is being silently rewritten......
In the early 1930's Shanghai, various forces raged in the storm and the society was in turmoil. Ding Yiqing, the daughter of a wealthy businessman from Ningbo, came to Shanghai alone and met Communists underground workers Dong Hongyu, Lin Mosheng, Du Ying and many others. They experienced the outbreak of the War of Resistance against Japan in 1938. After the Pacific War in 1942, they completed various tasks for the revolution, letting the passion of youth burn as they strive for their ideal day....
The male version of Sisters Who Make Waves. The show focuses on breaking the limit plus challenging oneself, and opening up the long-lost dream of being in a boy band for the brothers. Regarding the competition system, after three months of live-in training & subject assessment, the winning team will finally be born and make their debut in a group....
Chang Sheng, a police officer at Pinghai North Station, is wrongly branded an evil cop after a video of him handling a passenger dispute goes viral. Though an investigation clears his name, he is still shunned by the public. When the remote Langwo Pupu station needs a new officer, Chang Sheng is sent there to redeem himself, determined to prove his integrity and restore his reputation....
20 years of perseverance, hot-blooded teenagers finally become the people's hero....
Following the brutal rape and murder of his teenage daughter, a single father seeks revenge against the responsible youths. His pursuit for justice becomes a deadly cat-and-mouse game with both the perpetrators and the police....
Ding Lei, a street dance veteran, invites a young entertainer to join his club. However, they are faced with a series of challenges....
Tough Chinese detectives go on a mission to Moscow to hunt down ruthless robbers who have been plaguing the trans-Siberian railway with violence and chaos....
In the early 1990s when the Chinese men's table tennis team is at a low ebb, head coach Cai Zhenhua is tasked with forming a new team to finally fight to the top at the 1995 World Ping Championship in Tianjin, China....
Tells the story of prosecutor Han Ming who is involved in a difficult case where the intentional injury of people is turned into a legitimate defense....
In the 1990s, an armed police team in the south-western border of China encounter floods and drug traffickers while on a mission, resulting in heavy casualties. In order to avenge their dead comrades, the survivors launched a final confrontation against the drug dealers....
From the same team that brought you “Goodbye Mr Loser” comes the hilarious dark comedy "Mr Donkey". In order to pay for the donkey that brings them water, a countryside village registers it as a teacher at its local school. But when the charity group that funds the school visits for an inspection, the village has to find ways to hide their secret....
Chen Yutong, a girl's middle school student, was bullied at school, but her mother Li Han was unable to save her daughter from the "hell." Everyone around her turned a blind eye, and a collective silence brewed greater violence....
Despite his family’s famed expertise on ancient relics, Xu Yuan makes a simple living as the owner of an electronics shop, eager to distinguish himself from a disgraced ancestor who was executed for treason after stealing a Chinese artifact for Japan. But when a descendant offers to return the relic to China, Xu Yuan uncovers a decades-old mystery and soon embarks on a journey that could finally restore his family’s reputation—and may also cost him his life....
Under Genghis Khan, the Mongolian army pushes west to destroy the Jin Dynasty, setting its sights on the Song Dynasty next. Amid internal conflicts among martial arts schools, Guo Jing unites the Central Plains' warriors to defend Xiangyang, embodying courage and loyalty in the fight for the nation....