Half-siblings Mo and Sam discover that they have inherited some powers from their great-great-great-grandmother who had a fling with a superhero many moons ago....
Lena Lorenz is a captivating drama series that follows the life of a talented and ambitious midwife, Lena Lorenz, who returns to her idyllic hometown in the Bavarian Alps after working for several years in a bustling city hospital. Seeking a quieter and more meaningful life, Lena embarks on a journey of self-discovery, as she navigates the challenges and joys of her new profession in the picturesque rural village....
München 7 is a German police drama series from Franz Xaver Bogner. The show is set in Munich, Germany and features the fictive police station "München 7" or "Munich 7". The main characters are the "Sheriff from Marienplatz" Xaver Bartl and his new colleague Felix Kandler. München 7 is part of a series of commonly branded shows with similar themes called "Heiter bis tödlich"....
An animated comedy series that follows a comic trio of slimy, crawly, and buzzy bug friends whose tiny world offers up huge adventures....
Some of the original "Total Drama" characters enter into an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers....
Petra Hoffmann is in her early 50s and pregnant. She is not carrying her own child though, but that of her daughter. Midwife Lena Lorenz has been looking after mother and daughter for a while and the pregnancy has been unproblematic thus far, but shortly before the birth the family starts to break apart....