Youth suspense story where Ren Ozawa, who appeared on various popular stages and acted as a variety program and voice actor, serves as a high school teacher for the first time. An incident occurred on Valentine's Day when a student died due to poisoned chocolate. The teacher, Nishina (Ozawa), who is cold and ridiculed by students, tries to unravel the truth...
The first play in the series. After the third world war, advances in genetic engineering have led to the creation of TRANS, a technology that allows people to freely choose their gender. However, some people who have undergone this procedure have gained various abilities beyond human comprehension. We call these people Heli-X....
The fourth play in the 'Heli-X' series. When Sadness woke up, she was alone in a dimly lit place. A small ray of light illuminated the knife in her hand. When she looked at the ground, she saw a large pool of blood and a motionless body... A corpse with a face she recognised. Was Sadness the one who killed them?...
The first live concert for Ensemble Stars! On Stage, performed September 22nd-27th 2018....
Over the Sunshine!...
live action Nil Admirari no Tenbin: Teito Genwaku Kitan...