The story takes place in Songjiang City, a small town in the northeast. A group of migrant workers from all over the country, with all kinds of dreams, gathered on the construction site of the Champs Elysees apartment. They know that after they have built up with sweat, they are the dream bed of the city's people tomorrow. Don't ask for anything else, as long as you don't owe wages, thank God. In the shacks of the shacks, hundreds of migrant workers of different ages and temperament are crowded ...
A fortune that is not too rich is like a touchstone, making it impossible for the three brothers of the Gao family to hide from it. The sudden death of Mr. Gao left an unsolvable mystery to the Gao family. Unlike the fierce competition among her younger brothers, the eldest daughter Daxiu, who has a peaceful temperament, has no intention of fighting, but her son Huo Yaoting is involved and cannot sit idly by. In addition to having to work hard to mediate between the down-and-out uncle, the hones...
The Sun sisters are two siblings with vastly different personalities and life paths. One of them, Sun Xin, is a brave and independent woman who values freedom and isn't afraid to fight for what she believes in. She is also known for her beauty and generosity. Sun Xin's career is flourishing, as she works in the internet industry and has a bright future ahead. On the other hand, Sun Xiang is a sweet and affectionate woman who loves to socialize and laugh. Despite her innocent and kind nature, sh...
When LIU Yishou, nicknamed the "Go King" by his peers because of his skill in Weiqi (Go), finds himself without a job. And with no other skills to make a living, he then turns to teaching this strategic Chinese board game in a humble training school for children. Annoyed by her husband's passion for the game, LIU Yishou's wife leaves him, but their son, Xiao Chuan, wants to stay with his dad. Unexpectedly, LIU Yishou discovers that his son has a great talent for playing Weiqi and vows to support...