When Hikaru Hoshina transforms into Cure Star, she embarks on an outer space adventure to find the rest of the Star Twinkle Cures and save the universe!...
Kyougoku Daijirou is the 15th generation owner of the Kyoto sweets shop Amashoudou. One day, Daijirou discovers a giant robot named Doamaiger D in his store's basement. At the same time, enemies called "Mekaijuu" appear in Kyoto and begin wreaking havoc....
Themed around the ambiguities of modern communication, the story of Soredake ga Neck is set in the Hot Hot Mart convenience store, where the mysterious young man known as Muto works in the company of Nekomaru, the slightly sinister store's cat. Is Muto the savior of the Hot Hot Mart? Or is this merely an ominous existence? What sort of stories await at the convenience store?...
Moga Hakucho, Nemu Watanuki, Mirin Yukino, Emi Odamaki and Ayane Shiomi are all freshman students at Shiro Majo Gakuen (White Witch Academy). All of the girls carry emotional scars from their past. Senior student Risa Kikuta assigns the first year students a hard, but necessary task to gain witch abilities. The freshman students soon realize a spell, but they don't know the hidden secret at Shiro Majo Gakuen....
Shiro Majo Gakuen ("White Witch Academy") is a secret garden that accepts girls who have been emotionally injured. Moga becomes a white witch after receiving training and leaves Shiro Majo Gakuen to save the world, but a white witch, Rina, appears in front of her. Also, black witches, who are hostile to the white witches and are attempting to create a new world with a spell, appear in front of her. Later, Moga sneaks into Kuro Majo Gakuen ("Black Witch Academy") to save Rina after she was kidnap...
Anime short that will accompany screenings of the Delicious Party♡Precure film. The short will star characters from three previous Precure series - Tropical-Rouge! Precure, Healin' Good Precure, and Star Twinkle Precure - alongside the characters from the current Delicious Party♡Precure series....
The story begins when the protagonist Hikaru meets aliens Lala, Prunce, and Fuwa while watching the night sky. She learns of the “Star Palace,” where the 12 Star Princesses of the constellations kept the balance of the universe until they were attacked. Lala is searching for the legendary Precure warriors to help find the 12 scattered “Princess Star Color Pens” and revive the princesses. When Fuwa is captured by an enemy, Hikaru wishes to save Fuwa, and a Star Color Pendent and a Star Color Pen ...
Pretty Cure All Stars F is a Japanese magical girl anime film and a part of the Pretty Cure franchise, celebrating its 20th anniversary....
One day, a mysterious creature suddenly appeared from within Lala's gummy case! Their name was... UMA, I think? Ah, don't be scared, everything will be okay! Nice to meet you, UMA! Twincool~☆ And just like a shooting star, we were whisked away to a faraway place!? Is this UMA's powers ~lun? What sort of creature are they ~lun? Because they can't communicate through words, it seems UMA really likes "The Shooting Star Song" ~lun♪ It's nice getting along with each other through music ~lun♪ But one ...
A concert video by Dempagumi.inc made in response to their cancelled national tour scheduled for May 2020....
Concert film by Dempagumi.inc recorded on January 9, 2017...
Dempagumi.inc concert film recorded September 16, 2013...
Dempagumi.inc concert film recorded October 31, 2013...
Dempagumi.inc concert film from January 20, 2013...
Dempagumi.inc concert film from September 16, 2012...
Dempagumi.inc's Nemu Yumemi graduation concert recorded on January 7, 2019...
Dempagumi.inc's concert held at Osaka-jo Hall on December 30, 2017....
Dempagumi.inc concert recorded on February 11, 2015...
Dempagumi.inc concert recorded in May 6, 2014...
Features two concerts of Dempagumi.inc's national tour in 2016 held at NHK Hall and Zepp Tokyo....
Dempagumi.inc concert from May 6, 2015...
Dempagumi.inc concert film from 2014...
Hoshina Hikaru and three other Star Twinkle Precures gaze at the sky and end up warping into the Miracle Planet....