The story begins in the summer of 1997, just before the arrival of the famous 12-meter flood wave flooding Wroclaw. - The residents of the "Home under Two Eagles" are grandma Zofia Szablewska, a woman full of energy, warmth and humor, her daughter Helena, a cool perfectionist, and Marianna, Zofia's beloved granddaughter, returning with her fiancé from a scholarship in the USA. The family drama begins when a flood wave floods the house, and at the same time grandma Zofia ends up in the hospital d...
The story begins in the summer of 1997, just before the arrival of the famous 12-meter flood wave flooding Wroclaw. - The residents of the "Home under Two Eagles" are grandma Zofia Szablewska, a woman full of energy, warmth and humor, her daughter Helena, a cool perfectionist, and Marianna, Zofia's beloved granddaughter, returning with her fiancé from a scholarship in the USA. The family drama begins when a flood wave floods the house, and at the same time grandma Zofia ends up in the hospital d...
The story begins in the summer of 1997, just before the arrival of the famous 12-meter flood wave flooding Wroclaw. - The residents of the "Home under Two Eagles" are grandma Zofia Szablewska, a woman full of energy, warmth and humor, her daughter Helena, a cool perfectionist, and Marianna, Zofia's beloved granddaughter, returning with her fiancé from a scholarship in the USA. The family drama begins when a flood wave floods the house, and at the same time grandma Zofia ends up in the hospital d...
Follow-up series to "The Crown of the Kings" and "The Crown of the Kings. The Jagiellonians" about the reign of King Władysław III of Poland and his younger brother King Casimir IV of Poland....
Polish drama series which follows the tragicomic adventures of a 40-year-old urban legend in Warsaw. He is a deeply complex character, an irresponsible party animal, a serial lothario and everyone’s friend at the same time. Behind the veneer he is tormented and self-loathing, trapped by his parents and shackled by the culture and the times that shaped him....
The story of the Jagiellonian Dynasty rulling XV-century Kingdom of Poland and Grand Duchy of Lithuania....
In 2011, a psychiatric patient is visited by a postulate. The patient is a retired head of the "D" Group – a secret department of the Security Service to fight against the Polish Catholic church. Murders, beatings, blackmails, provocations, robberies, those are standard methods of operation for its officers. The postulate wants to unravel the mystery of the death of priest Roman Kotlarz, a parish priest from Pelagow....
A stay-at-home mom and avid reader of crime stories discovers the deepest secrets of a small town's residents while investigating a woman's murder....
A story of passion, rivalry, love, and friendship. Jan Banas, acclaimed Silesian football player of the 1960s and 1970s, struggles to makes his dreams come true on and off the field. Stars is the story of a great love between young people torn by passion and ambition....
The year 1901, a psychiatric hospital in the Russian partition. One of the patients is a political prisoner - Józef Piłsudski. The Polish underground independence movement is preparing their mission to rescue the famous activist. Piłsudski is freed, but he will not get back his idyll family life that he once knew. Uncertain years are coming, marked by revolutionary events, violence and betrayal. Pilsudski must find a way to man oeuvre on the boggy ground - between the conservative passivity of t...
At the end of the 19th century, somewhere in the outskirts of the Russian Empire, a doctor administers a lethal overdose of ether to a young woman – the object of his desire. After getting away with his crime, he finds employment in a fortress, where he continues his experiments with ether to manage pain and manipulate human behaviour. Despite his evilness, it is not too late for his soul to be saved from eternal damnation…...
To instil a gloomy atmosphere, a Chinese film crew decides to shoot a heartbreaking drama in a Polish village and invite the locals to act in their production....
The story of Eugeniusz Bodo, a famous Polish actor and singer, who was at the peak of his career in 1930s....