The telenovela follows Brian O'Connor, who wants to avenge the death of his brother Sonny, who was found dead, apparently by suicide, on the Caribbean Coast. Brian will go there in the guise of Vinicio Gallo, a renowned ship captain, to uncover the truth, no matter who he has to go through, even if it is the Obregón Artelli family, one of the most powerful and prestigious families on the Caribbean Coast, whose members are suspects....
A tale of irony of the everyday business of supermarket shopping. In this parody of blue detergents, soap squirts, blood dripping from bags of meat, plastic brushes, appearances of Frida Kahlo and rolls of toilet paper Rita confronts the demons that are part of her pink and complex feminine world....
With help from U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown, Tammi Chase (Rachael Leigh Cook) fights to free her mother (Barbara Hershey) from an Ecuadorean prison....
A story as told by an aborted child who's now 14 years old, involving his mother, three teenagers (two twin brothers and their cousin) that make a love triangle, the twins' father and his new lover, a drug lord and his sidekicks, the drug lord's wife who doesn't know who's the father of her baby, a prostitute with bladder problems, a hit man (really a frustrated poet), and a huge missunderstanding...
The first single shoe was made for the narrator of the performance piece Some Historic - Some Hysteric in 2004. Following came the series In a single shoe which includes the Nurse (2006), as well as nine other shoes and five videos in which each shoe has its own narrative....