The star-studded production follows the story of two families: On one end is the successful but stingy Namzet Horanta, the boss of Horanta Holding, a jewelry manufacturer. To his wife Latife, daughter Nazmiye, and sons Sinan and Buğra amazement, Namzet underwent a seemingly big change that caused him to forego his stingy ways for generosity instead. Thanks to the aforementioned change, there will be a chain of interesting events that will keep the viewer hooked and entertained as Nazmiye's life...
A lawyer and a prosecutor, whose paths cross with a murder case, will have to work together to find the murderer, and this will create an irreversible breaking point in their lives....
Nazım meets Nehir on an internet dating site. They didn't see each other until Nehir sent her own photo. Thinking that Nehir is very beautiful and younger than him, Nazım hesitates to send his own photo and sends Tarık's photo. As Nehir likes Tarık in the photo and surprisingly comes to the Dam, things get complicated....
After Turkey’s february 1997 military intervention, Hilal and Fatma left their town to study at university in Istanbul. Feza lives downstairs in their lodgings, has fled as village where was cruelly bullied for being a transgender woman. Hilal chooses to help Feza and Fatma....