Based on true events, the story follows restauranteur Kurt Haijby and his the secret relationship with king Gustav V, which eventually got out and led to one of the worst miscarriages of justice that Sweden has ever witnessed....
A comedy series about the Hedlund’s starting a new life in the far north of Sweden. The father Petter, runs in to culture clashes while Madde has an identity crisis; is she still the small-town girl from northern Sweden or did the big city change her more than she’d like to admit?...
24-year-old Ellen has always had a hard time completing things and decides to go back to redo high school. But pretending to be sixteen, focusing on schoolwork and fooling their entire surroundings turn out to be more difficult than she thought....
World War II is around the corner, but the only thing Sally Bauer can think of is the ocean. Her dream is to swim across the English Channel....