While spending a summer-long family vacation by the lake, siblings Tommy, Nikki, and Daniel Fisher discover that their seemingly boring parents are actually daring undercover spies, who are chasing a devious villain aiming to dry up the country's water supply. When the siblings realize their parents' mission is in jeopardy, they form a secret task force called THE SPYDERS in order to help them out. Tommy, 12, a cute, irresistible goofball; Nikki, 15, a well-meaning but impetuous leader, and Dani...
Fourteen year old Roni skipped two grades - straight in to her older sister Michal’s class. Now they are starting high-school together. It’s the worst thing that could ever happen to Michal and the coolest thing that can happen to Roni! Every big brother or big sister that has ever been tasked with looking after their younger relation will be able to identify with the situations depicted in "My Sister Skipped a Grade"; the need to forge your own identity and friends while having someone tagging ...