Young Kengo Manaka lives on Mars. As he lives out his peaceful, day-to-day life, the monster Golba suddenly appears, throwing the town into chaos! Meanwhile, Kengo has a fateful meeting with a giant stone statue sleeping deep beneath the ground on Mars. When Kengo becomes one with an Ultra-Ancient light, his destiny is forcefully thrown into motion!...
Hiro's so stressed out at work that he can barely have proper meals or get some well-earned sleep. When he passes out on the sidewalk after yet another stressful day, an unfamiliar face calls out to him - apparently, they once promised to marry each other? What's Kai Fukaya's deal, and why is he so insistent on assuming the role of Hiro's fiancé?...
Shitara, a man who fell from his elite life overnight. His new "place of employment", which has lost his job, house, and wife, is a boarding house?! Under one roof, a perverted love begins from the worst encounter with one of those living there!...
This is a love story about a weekend marriage between two people who are clumsy when it comes to love. Fukuyama Kenta, whose hobby is barbecuing, meets Yamaguchi Chihiro, who loves to eat, on a dating app. When he is transferred to Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, he suddenly proposes marriage to her, and the two get married after zero days of dating. Kenta and Chihiro, who live apart in Tokyo and Hamamatsu, slowly deepen their relationship by having barbecues every weekend....
A single father who has no cooking experience and can't even make a fried egg satisfactorily... A bento box made for his daughter for three years in high school, and a unique handwritten letter. A classic home comedy drama based on a true story of a father and daughter that will make you laugh and cry over and over again, with a total of 700 lunch boxes and menu items....
Seven years have passed since Ultraman Trigger protected the world from various threats. In the present, Kanata Asumi, who is a positive young man, peacefully lives together with his grandpa. One day, while delivering ordered food, he witnessed a catastrophe: Spheres from the outer space attack Earth and Mars. Motivated by saving the precious lives of the people, he merges with Ultraman Decker and joins GUTS-Select, in order to protect what's important....
In today’s Japan, “rental” services can deliver an afternoon with a “friend,” a “parent,” even a fake girlfriend! After a staggering betrayal by his girlfriend, hapless freshman Kazuya gets just desperate enough to give it a try. But he quickly discovers how complicated it can be to “rent” an emotional connection, and his new “girlfriend,” who’s trying to keep her side hustle secret, will panic when she finds out her real life and Kazuya’s are intertwined in surprising ways! Family, school, and ...
"Newlyweds" Keiichi and Akira Hirose have moved to a new city. Keiichi, who works as an author, and Akira, who works with kindergartners, are hiding a big secret from the people around them....
Depicting the forbidden love triangle between a newlywed couple and one of his students!...
They are moody but sometimes they want to be pampered. They act aloof, but seem to be missing something. If someone is feeling down, they want to be there for them. This describes cats, but it describes many humans as well. Cats, good-looking guys and a shared house. With the whole world going crazy for cats, the TV drama that warmed the hearts of all cat lovers is now a movie!...
Set two years after the events of Ultraman Trigger, an ultra-ancient threat re-emerges, leading to the return of Ultraman Trigger and Ultraman Zett to save the day, but all is not as it seems....
Seven years have passed since family man Tetsuo Tosu survived a fierce battle with a criminal organization. However, Tetsuo's peaceful family life begins to crumble once again when a sudden landslide uncovers an old sin....