It follows Pinocchio's adventures in the Enchanted Village with his friends. Their group includes an ogress' daughter, the offspring of an elf, Sleeping Beauty's daughter, Prince Charming's son, and the Big Bad Wolf's son....
Four friends become guardians of the island Gorm and must harness powers of the elements to stop an evil lord and his army from ruling the kingdom....
Boxes, bottles, cans. Garbage. Abandoned, ignored, inert. Until nightfall. Slim is a resigned cardboard box. but his fate changes when a kid toy box, Spark, involves him and his pals in an adventure that will change their life forever....
Boxes, bottles, cans. Garbage. Abandoned, ignored, inert. Until nightfall. Slim is a resigned cardboard box. but his fate changes when a kid toy box, Spark, involves him and his pals in an adventure that will change their life forever....
The famous rock band The Paperback music is convened for a big concert at Big Depression. Arriving at their destination, no musical event seems ready for that day, but suddenly a secret passage opens to the planet Planio, where dictator Balthazar has banned all kinds of music....
Boxes, bottles, cans. Garbage. Abandoned, ignored, inert. Until nightfall. Slim is a resigned cardboard box. but his fate changes when a kid toy box, Spark, involves him and his pals in an adventure that will change their life forever....