Young Kengo Manaka lives on Mars. As he lives out his peaceful, day-to-day life, the monster Golba suddenly appears, throwing the town into chaos! Meanwhile, Kengo has a fateful meeting with a giant stone statue sleeping deep beneath the ground on Mars. When Kengo becomes one with an Ultra-Ancient light, his destiny is forcefully thrown into motion!...
The robot Sevenger, from STORAGE in Ultraman Z, fights a variety of kaiju monsters in several different environments....
An omnibus-style romance drama following three love stories that take place in the hot spring towns of Ikaho, Minamiizu, and Ito....
Located in the downtown area of Nagoya, this 60-year-old, bath and toilet co-op accommodation is a room with no room, "Makanai-sō"....
The newest Ultra Hero is Ultraman Zett, the disciple of Ultraman Zero, who is now celebrating his tenth anniversary! An admirer of Zero, Zett worked hard to become a member of the “Inter Galactic Defense Force.” With a passion inherited from his teacher Zero, Zett is an Ultraman who always looks forward and forges ahead....
A mystery that unfolds from the perspective of a full-length refrigerator. The points of incidents that occur in a rich man's house, an idol's room, a movie set, a love hotel, a members-only bar, and an abusive family are connected. What happens inside the room cannot be seen from the outside. The environment sometimes makes people cruel. The image you see through the refrigerator reflects it....
In the Edo period, at the remote village of Okitsu, the evil cult leader Koushirou uses ninjutsu to bewitch sharks and forces them to attack local pearl divers so the cult can steal the pearls from their mangled corpses. Desperate for help, the village chief hires Kotaro Shiozaki, a guard at a nearby temple, but Kotaro soon finds his path blocked by lady ninja Kikuma and a gigantic shark that doesn't seem like something from this world....
Set two years after the events of Ultraman Trigger, an ultra-ancient threat re-emerges, leading to the return of Ultraman Trigger and Ultraman Zett to save the day, but all is not as it seems....
University students Ryoko and Akane get lost on a mountain road on their way home from a hike. They finally reach a bus stop, but there is no sign of a bus coming. Furthermore, Ryoko has an injured leg, and Akane's boyfriend is at a drinking party and cannot come to pick her up. The two decided to hitchhike out of the goodness of their hearts. It seemed reckless deep in the mountains, but as luck would have it, a camper pulled up. From the driver's seat......