Himmelblå is a Norwegian drama series which aired on NRK1 in Norway, on SVT in Sweden and on RÚV in Iceland. It is based on the British TV drama Two Thousand Acres of Sky written by Timothy Prager and produced by Adrian Bate....
Sara experiences another woman's orgasm and gets a new view on life....
Life is smiling for stand-up comedian Henrik Fladseth, with both book publishing and work at the Nationaltheatret. He wants to be taken seriously, but everything unravels when he causes a scandal with a "blackface" blunder....
Fanny is in her mid-twenties and has just moved back to her hometown to start at the local University. During student orientation week she struggles to bond with the other students, and decides to seek out an old friendship....
After being confronted with her fear of being too big, Sara, 181 centimeters tall and heavily built, begins to explore her perception of femininity, with her talkative vulva....