In a humorous approach, the series follows the small and insignificant cases that the policemen of the Nothing Brigade: Arrow, Giovanni, Carmola and Toma have to solve....
In the small provincial town of Mangalița, takes place around Stelian Manole, the mayor of the city for 28 years. Mr. Stelu has won all elections since 1991 with unanimous votes, and is currently making efforts to obtain the eighth consecutive term and thus enter the Book of Records as the longest surviving mayor. Stelu has been through all the parties, he is anointed with all the clubs and he knows all the tricks. He can convince anyone to do anything and has everyone on hand. The life of the i...
Infidelity drama, male egos, lost dogs in Startsladden favorite Stefan Constantinescu’s arthouse gem about a man consumed by jealousy who risks losing everything while searching for the truth....
A frothy comedy about life in the corporation, about the challenges of building a career and those of consolidating and motivating a team. The film, a satire of corporate life, reveals the events of a team building in which the robotic corporativism unleash themselves and unleash themselves by showing their human side....
Costica, unemployed and without many goals in life, tired of being taken for a fool, runs for president to steal his neighbor's parking spot, unaware that he is being manipulated by the party, which secretly wants to lose the election, in order to continue stealing from the state....