High Rollers is a South African television drama series-turned-telenovela created by Joshua Rous and Luke Rous and produced by Rous House Productions which is an inter-generational family drama set against the backdrop of the glamorous and backstabbing world of gambling....
After the death of patriarch Theodore Jones, his second wife Robin and Theodore's daughters work to protect their family and business after they are threatened....
Moments before her son Satv'k's retrieval by the state, Parser makes one last attempt at bolstering his faith in the fabled Indigo Child....
After receiving a promotion and more responsibility at work, Melanie decides to hire Phoebe as her personal assistant. Smart and cunning, Phoebe has an ulterior motive for taking the job and a twisted plan for revenge involving Melanie's mother....
Two executive assistants scheme to get their bosses to date during the holidays, and in the process fall in love themselves....
Julie (Vivica A. Fox) and her teenage daughter, Maddie, rent a beautiful house on several acres of land from Charles, a real estate agent they know well and who lives nearby. However, after they move in, strange noises and occurrences lead them to suspect someone else may be living on their property. Andres Londono, Dorian Gregory, Alaya Lee Walton, Tom Sandoval and Gina Hiraizumi also star....
After Denise, loses her husband, she is determined to find who did it, which leads her to tracking down Stephanie and her "mother."...