Spanish adaptation of the award winning original TV series ER (1994) created by Michael Crichton. Although "Sala de Urgencias" its a medical drama focused on life and death, its adaptation also contains key elements that are more related to Latin American Fiction "Telenovela". The story takes place in a Colombian Hospital ("Hospital La Esperanza") emergency room, giving it a unique style....
When Carlos Andrés decides that the best way to contribute to his family is to become a porn actor, the only problem is that his girlfriend does not know about his successful career....
Michel is a welder working at a shipyard in Brest. His wife died of cancer over a year ago and their 19-year-old son, Etienne, went to pieces and made off for Bogota. He hasn't been in touch for 6 months and Michel is desperate to find him. He leaves - without much money - arrives to Bogota and is mugged on the first day but manages to strike up a friendship with a Belgian girl who - reluctantly at first - helps him on his quest and eventually becomes a close friend. In an unbelievably short tim...
Aurora is a young Colombian who, forced by circumstances, decides to emigrate to New York in search of a better future for herself and her family, working and sending newspapers money to her home. But when her mother falls ill, she must choose between returning to her country of origin and what this entails, giving up returning forever since she is undocumented, or staying and enduring the plight of her loved one from a distance and thus helping financially with her medical emergency. But this h...