Bikie Wars: Brothers in Arms is a six-part Australian drama miniseries, screened on Network Ten on 15 May 2012. Bikie Wars is based on the book Brothers in Arms by Lindsay Simpson and Sandra Harvey. The screenplay was written by Greg Haddrick, Roger Simpson and Jo Martino. It is directed by Peter Andrikidis. Bikie Wars: Brothers in Arms cost A$6,000,000 to make....
The lives of staff at the fictional Kings Cross Hospital and the wild streets of Darlinghurst in the 1960s. Joan Miller is a smart and sophisticated midwife who returns home from London to take a job at the Kings Cross Hospital. Dr Patrick McNaughton is a charismatic head of obstetrics at Kings Cross Hospital. Frances Bolton is the tough matron who also controls the running of Stanton House, a home for unwed pregnant young women....
After surviving a shark attack, homicide detectives Dan Cooper and Zoe Rawlings join forces to hunt the ultimate predator - a serial killer who is also hunting them. Not only are they survivors but also ex-lovers. Exceptional at what they do, together they're a force like no other. Zoe is happy in a new relationship, but after three years away Dan knows Zoe was the one he let go and wants her back. Will Dan and Zoe be able to work together to hunt down the serial killer or will they become the k...