A story that follows a pair of twins who venture into the glittering lights of showbiz with a secret to hide. Despite their identical looks, their personalities are different as night and day. The kind-hearted Xiao Mu assumes the identity of her audacious older sister Yao Meng Gui and transforms overnight from a plain jane delivery clerk to a famous star that is known to every household. Entertainment reporter Chen Mo discovers inconsistencies that raise his suspicions regarding her identity. I...
Orphaned as a child, Liu E travels to the capital Kaifeng, and later catches the eye of Zhao Heng. Though she was a concubine, Liu E was perceptive to state affairs, and often discussed politics with Zhao Heng. This tradition continued when he became emperor in 997. Liu E is crowned empress after adopting the son of a concubine (later Emperor Renzong), and serves as regent of the Song Dynasty during the last two years of her husband’s reign. Liu E would continue to rule until her death twelve ...
Meng Haotian, a successful but guarded woman, meets Leng Siming, the young CTO of Lingzhi Group, through a disrupted wedding. Despite misunderstandings and societal barriers, their bond grows. Together, they face challenges as Meng Haotian confronts her past to rediscover love....
A story about a young man who can read people's minds and a meritless lawyer who come to protect each other. A tragic case from the past revolving around a car accident connects the lives of Lin Xing Ran and Jiang Xia. After 10 years, the young man who can read minds and the impulsive public defender meet again. Meanwhile, Zhang Xiao Yang is Lin Xing Ran's boss who has a reputation for never having lost a single case while Gu Si Yu is a colleague who becomes a bitter rival....
Zhao Jiangyue, the no-nonsense head of a tech firm, is a master at business but clueless in matters of the heart. When Gu Jiaxin, heir to a business group and a successful racing driver, is assigned as her temporary assistant, they clash....
Lu Si Heng is the CEO of an IT company and is known as the "male god" of the industry. He was separated from his childhood playmate, and kept to himself ever since. He meets Lin Xiao Di, an news anchor who has to move in to his house due to problems with her property. After spending some time with her, he realizes that she is his long-lost childhood friend whom he has been searching for for fifteen years....
In order to pay off the huge debt owed by her father, Huang Zixuan, a girl from a 13th-tier city, signed an agreement with Leng Yaozu, the owner of a beauty store. The two became "contracted brothers and sisters". While joining forces to start a beauty craze, Leng Yaozu discovered Huang Zixuan's identity as a "double agent" is revealed, and a thrilling sniper story begins between "the richest man in Beijing" and "the rich girl in Beijing"....
A surgeon suddenly returns to eighteen years ago and meets his classmate Han Fei, and helps her put down her guard and untie the knot in her heart....
According to legend, three ancient artefacts have been sealed within the three realms and collecting it will unleash an immeansurable power. In order to take the artefacts for themselves, chaos erupts in all the three realms. During this time of imbalance and unrest, a monkey is born out of a stone. He is Sun Xiaotian (Xie Miao), a monkey who wields the power of an indestructible staff and effortlessly leaps onto clouds to stomp out evil. However, no one expected that the rising resentment woul...
Su Xiamo, posing as an heiress, travels to Mangbei to find her missing brother but becomes the target of an assassination. Qi Chuan, searching for answers to his own brother’s death, rescues her, suspecting a connection. An unexpected marriage binds them, turning their reluctant partnership into a journey of love and discovery as they uncover the truth together....
A series of mysterious murders and a devastating tragedy alter the life of Ding Buwen, a deputy constable. Along the way, he meets the enigmatic doctor Mo Sangyu and gains new allies. Amidst challenges, personal loss, and newfound connections, he embarks on a journey of growth and resilience....
Sun Xiaotian who recovered the mana, began a spiritual journey with Dongfang Mo,Yang Jiuli, and Ting Ting. They traveled all the way west, passing through the Ewha City in the Black Bone Mountain of Xiaomanguo. Under the guidance of strange crying, they rescued Su Luoying, the daughter of the "black wind old demon" in the legend of Ewha City. Sun Xiaotian met Su Luoying's princess Huo Fenghuang in the process of helping Su Luoying to resolve his internal resentment. Sun Xiaotian and his team fou...