Based on Mo Shu Bai's novel of the same name, the story follows Liu Yuru, the daughter of a cloth merchant who suffered from a young age. She is married off to notorious playboy Gu Jiusi, who looks down on her. However, Liu Yuru decides to learn business from Gu's mother and becomes adept at it. She changes her view of Gu Jiusi and discovers his pure and sincere side. Meanwhile, the commander of Yangzhou causes chaos, forcing Gu's family to flee. Gu Jiusi matures and becomes the Minister of Reve...
"When You Are In Love" is fascinating with its extremely small size, detailing the appearance of urban young men and women in different periods of love. Each episode is only about 5 minutes, but they are all independent stories, telling wonderful love with a very short story length The content has become a major feature of the play. In the play, there is a small fortune in love, a small regret for love but not for love, a cooling after quarrel, and a madness for love, reflecting the truest urban...
The orphaned princess, Qing Que, falls in love with the wrong person and is reborn into a courtesan. During a fateful encounter, her enemies gather at the Mu Mansion, leading her to orchestrate a scheme to marry her father's killer, Lord Mu. The valiant and cunning General Yun Huan, who once killed his first love, suppresses his feelings to become a son-in-law in the Mu Mansion, only to discover that his new mother-in-law is his former lover. Living under the same roof, the mother-in-law and son...
A story that follows Nalan Yue, a man with two identities. He falls for the bold Rong Hua, a young maiden with a good heart yet their ties are deeper and more complicated due to the generation before them. To support her father Rong Jingfeng in his efforts to help others, Rong Hua travels far and wide in search of the missing healing tool known as Chi Hua Zhu. However, the journey is treacherous. She falls into danger many times and gets rescued by Nalan Yue. Unbeknownst to them, their familie...
Demons and humans share a planet near Earth. The humans occupy the planet by day and the demons occupy it at night. They live in harmony until some of the demons scheme against the humans. The Guardians rid the planet of the troublesome demonic creatures to preserve the peace....