Inspired by true events, the crime thriller revolves around Abhay Pratap Singh, a sharp investigating officer with the mind of a criminal, who can go to any extent to solve a case. Join Abhay as he sets out in the dark gruesome world of crime to save innocent lives, while dealing with his own personal demons....
The season initially focuses on Shakti's induction in the cybercrime unit alongside Jigar and Girish, and how they transform into an indomitable force solving extreme cybercrime cases under the tutelage of ACP Ashutosh....
When her world suddenly turns upside down, will Aarya become the very thing she hated?How far will she go to survive and protect her family?...
Following the life of two children caught between their parents' bitter divorce. When cracks start developing in Kuldeep and Madhura's relationship, they decide to end their marriage....