The series begins with the life of Mamed (Nofal Shahlaroglu), who cannot pay his debts and is always in trouble. Mamed's work as an actor was never going well. On the eve of his life going wrong, he meets a spirit named Suleyman (Elnur Huseynov) who can only be seen by those who hold the magical rosary, which no one can see....
The series is about a mysterious serial killer who keeps the whole city in fear and terror. All attempts to find the killer have failed. As a result, experienced detectives Rauf Eyvazov and Kanan Orujov are assigned to find the killer. Each murder carries a message and makes the crime case more complicated....
Sequel to ‘The Bridge’....
Funny stories that happen to neighbors living in the same building. However, there is no "your neighbor is bad, move out, save him" principle here. Everyone is talking and listening....
The story of the funny stories that befell the Jasaratov family when they moved into a new building....
The main character Ramiz falls in love with a girl. His friend Taleh helps him to find out the location of the girl's house. When he is looking for a friend, Ramiz falls into a dream. In his dream....