The coolest, most self-centered kid in high school meets a quiet kid who is an instant rock star on-stage. Despite their differences in background and beliefs, they are set on the same goal––becoming a head student. Together, they are to sing a song about youth as they engage in a fierce campaign battle. Guang is the most popular kid in school and an idol to his peers. Chang is the successor to his family noodle stand and a guitarist/singer with endless potential. During the campaign, Guang find...
When Chu Yi Ping, an emotionless man, dislocates his hand in an accident at school, his uncle gives him Ever 9 as a caretaker, an experimental intelligent robot that his company is secretly testing. Although Yi Ping is reluctant at the beginning, he finds that Ever 9 complements his deficiencies and makes him feel the companionship. Yi Ping asks Ever 9 to make a wish and complete the wish list together, but before the list completed, Ever 9 breaks down. The repair only takes a week, Ever 9 is ab...
Bu Xia is brought up by his grandfather, who is a spiritual medium. After his grandfather’s funeral, he finds himself hearing voices murmur in his ears now and then. He thinks he’s suffering from hallucinations and is ready to seek medical treatment but is surprised to find that the voices in his ears, like a Dolby stereo, are the voices of ghosts! He is as dumbfounded as if he has just received a vaccination. Jiang Chi is Bu Xia’s roommate and excels in both sports and academics. When Bu Xia fi...
Croc is a young gangster who goes back to work for his former boss at a city councilor’s office after his release from jail. Croc’s latest task is to deal with Ping, a headstrong farmer who adamantly refuses to give up her land for redevelopment. As Croc and Ping develop feelings for each other, Croc is determined to become a better man and hang on to his newfound happiness — even if it means defying his own mob....
A-Lie and Big D are friends and both virgins. To celebrate Big D’s birthday, A-Lie suggest to Big D that he should lose his virginity. On the Internet, the duo hire an escort called Wonderland. However, in a love hotel, Wonderland dies from a drug overdose and her body leaves the duo in shock. Eager to dispose the body, A-Lie takes advantage of his online celebrity status and asks Xi-Shi, a fan of A-Lie’s, to use her van and help the duo get rid of corpse. They stumble into numerous weird accide...