Scruff is a 2002 television series by D'ocon entertainment. It features the story of a puppy, Scruff, who is adopted by a farmworker named Peter. The show was directed by Antoni D'Ocon. The show was distributed in English by BKN. The series' animation is provided by Toon Boom Harmony creating the 2D traditional animated characters and a 3D computer-generated background....
It's Christmas, Eve and Scruff have some dishes that are not shared with anyone. But after meeting the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future, understand the true meaning of the holiday, friendship and charity....
Scruff discovers a small glass shoe buried in the snow. It looks so much like Cinderella's lost shoe, and he sets out to find its owner to discover who this Cinderella of Navell was....
A love story based on William Shakespeare's classic "The Dream of a Summer Night." Our beloved dog Scruff is determined to keep his beautiful bride Pedigrí is matched by an obligation, with a Great Dane. So he decided to escape and hide in the forest trying to avoid the union ... but unfortunately will be enchanted by a magical flower that appears only during the longest night of the year, the San Juan night....
Tad accidentally unleashes an ancient spell, endangering the lives of his friends Mummy, Jeff, and Belzoni. With everyone against him and only helped by Sara, he sets off on an adventure to end the Curse of the Mummy....