The story of the Covenant (العهد) unfolds in a fantasy world in an unset time and place, in an atmosphere of excitement, crime, horror and drama blended with magic and fantasy. The story of 3 small neighbouring villages and the struggles among the members of Aldiabh family to gain control over the villages and the Covenant which sets the rules of the land. The Family do not hesitate at anything in order to reach their goals, lying, ploting, stealing and even killing the people closest to them....
The series deals with the struggle Harun Al-Rashid faced when his brother Al-Hadi tried to dethrone him. After his mother helped him stay in his position, he had to deal with all the plots that were coming his way. The show also examines the civilization under Harun Al-Rashid's rule....
Following the death of her husband, Amar is left to carry out her deceased husband’s dream of building a brick house with her five children. The five boys move to Cairo to earn some money, but they struggle to make ends meet and achieve their dreams in the capital....