The story of Bhakharwadi revolves around two families that hail from different cultures living in the same city, Pune as neighbors. Both are competitors in business. The former runs an ancestral shop of bhakharwadi and is a follower of norms and traditions while the latter believes in matching steps with time and promotes fusion food. Both of them have sour relations due to their competitive attitude. But what will happen when the children of these two will fall for each other?...
The story revolves around how different people in the family adjust to the magical powers of naani and her daughters, who use their magical powers for their needs....
Ye Meri Life Hai was a Hindi TV serial that aired on Sony TV. This serial has been included in the list of successful shows for the channel. The serial ended in late 2005. The story reflects the aspirations and dreams of today's youth, as they battle it out with conventions and norms to carve their own niche in the world. The screenplay and dialogues of the initial episodes were penned by Arif Ali and Sanyukta Chaudhuri respectively....
When Sonia has a nervous breakdown and forgets the last 6 months of her life, her husband, Abhishek, is forced to dig into her life to find out what had caused the trauma....