The story follows three couples in their 20s, 30s, and 40s. Its protagonists faced many different crises and their growth through difficulties and uneasiness, the 'beauty' of life is redefined....
Story of Li Xi Cheng who join with the firefighter team with the aura of a hero but hit with ruthless reality. Deputy captain Ye Qiheng made a special training plan to hone these new team members into real “special service elites.” After facing life and death situations, the team eventually forged a profound friendship within the squadron....
Gu Xiaosu, a skilled and enigmatic chef, enters the imperial city’s renowned chef tournament alone. She soon joins forces with restaurant owner Qiao Ruyu, and together, they tackle a series of culinary challenges—at sea, in forests, and in a grand showcase. As they inch closer to victory, Xiaosu’s hidden past begins to unravel, bringing new revelations and deepening their bond....