Palace of Desire, also known as Da Ming Gong Ci, is a Chinese television series based on the life story of Princess Taiping, a daughter of China's only female emperor Wu Zetian. Directed by Li Shaohong and Zeng Nianping, the series starred Chen Hong, Zhou Xun, Gui Yalei and Winston Chao in the leading roles. It was first broadcast on CCTV-8 in mainland China on March 30, 2000....
Chinese movie...
Aixiu marries a farmer, Aixiang, and gives birth to a son. In a desperate situation, Aixiang "pawns" his wife, Aixiu, to the Li family for three years, whose wife is unable to have children, and Aixiu's task is to carry on the family's legacy for her. In the midst of humiliation and pain, Aixiu becomes pregnant with the offspring of the Li family, but after she gives birth to the child, her situation in the Li family is in a state of decline, not only is she treated with disdain day in and day o...