Princess Qi Pa wakes up to find herself abducted into the fantastical and surreal world of the Beast-Turning Tribe. She is forced into becoming the bride of the Beast-Turning King, Kui Mu Lang. Despite Qi Pa's repeated attempts to escape, her life is further disrupted by a man named Li Xiong. Li Xiong only appears during the day, and Kui Mu Lang only appears at night. Unbeknownst to Qi Pa, she has stumbled upon a shocking secret of the Beast-Turning Tribe. As mischievous and lively as she is, Qi...
Five years ago, the "Northwest Wolves" crime syndicate was annihilated by the police, but the leader of the group, Gumulan, the backbone of the old gun and the undercover agents sent by the police, such as Lin Ke, all disappeared, and it is hard to know whether they are alive or dead. Five years later, the "Northwest Wolf" group resurfaced, police Chu Yihan in order to find his mother Lin Ke, took the initiative to become an undercover once again infiltrated into the crime syndicate, in the form...
Sang Tian is an aspiring figure skater. On the day she turns 18, she vows to her family that she will be accepted to the same university that her mother once attended. To get in, she must pass a test, which she – an exceptionally competent skater and student – expects to ace....
A jewelry designer, Bai Jinse, accidentally discovered her fiance Zheng Huaichen cheated on her younger sister Bai Linlin. Bai Jinse then tracked her jerk husband to collect evidence as she met the CEO, Mo Sinian, who got stood up by his fiancee. The two people hit it off and decided to marry by contract. After marriage, Mo Sinian helped Bai Jinse get rid of her cheating fiance and go back to work. During their relationship, they also developed sincere feelings with each other....
Hua Xixi is a manhua-loving girl with a quirky imagination and an interest in drawing. Huo Ziang is a gifted soccer player who missed out on his dreams because of an injury. The two had an immediate dislike for each other when they first met, but their relationship blossomed through the process of chasing their dreams. In encouraging Huo Ziang, Hua Xixi also helped patch up the misunderstandings between Huo Ziang and his friend Sun Xiujie. Getting caught in a love triangle, the three fall into a...
A domineering two-faced senior; a gentle and tender close friend. Between the two of them, who will the sweet and cute lady fall in love with?...