Dez is a young cool rebel-Leprechaun with rookie wish-granting powers, who has wild misadventures as he and his friends, a Japanese ghost girl named Akiko and a puffin called Puffin, scramble to undo the consequences of wishes (wishfarts) gone fantastically out of control...
Frankie Pamplemousse, an energetic 8-year-old girl, lives in Anytown with her four talking, extraordinary hamsters; Pipsqueak, Mr. Squiggles, Num Nums, and Chunk....
The home and social life of a sensitive and imaginative 4-year-old boy, and the supportive family and friends that help him navigate his big feelings....
Power heroes Catboy, Owlette and Gekko are joined by new heroes, creating a bigger, even better team. Good thing, too, as new villains are in town. Our heroes will take them on in the City, space and the frozen wilderness of Iceworld. As Catboy says, “If badness is everywhere, we’ll be everywhere....
Caillou imagines becoming a great knight who protects the kingdom while learning that friends and family make the best allies....
After Rosie bullies Caillou, he embarks on an imaginative adventure of epic proportions: confronting a giant who shows up at an important car race and causes chaos....
Caillou is so excited for Christmas, but his hopes are crushed when a Christmas Eve snowstorm hits town, causing a power outage....
Caillou is excited to attend Clementine's Halloween party, but he is terrified of the unknowns....
When Mayor Humdinger transforms his robot cat Meow-Meow into a tiger-sized metal-eating menace, the PAW Patrol calls in the Cat Pack for help in the stopping the creature....