A story that follows a pair of twins who venture into the glittering lights of showbiz with a secret to hide. Despite their identical looks, their personalities are different as night and day. The kind-hearted Xiao Mu assumes the identity of her audacious older sister Yao Meng Gui and transforms overnight from a plain jane delivery clerk to a famous star that is known to every household. Entertainment reporter Chen Mo discovers inconsistencies that raise his suspicions regarding her identity. I...
Cheng Yao, who dreamt of becoming a lawyer, was recruited by a top lawyer firm. Hence, she decides to move to an apartment closer to her workplace. However, Cheng Yao did not expect to have a housemate, whom she could not get along with. The person turns out to be her new boss, Qian Heng. Qian Heng recruited her into his team, and began his monstrous training. His aim was to chase away Cheng Yao, whom he thought got into the company by relations. Cheng Yao does not know why she landed in this si...
The self-disciplined and diligent editor-in-chief of a magazine, Ye Han, helped the clumsy and lovely physical education teacher Li Xiaoxiao resolve embarrassing crises again and again by chance. Due to past experiences, it was difficult to take the step of love. The enthusiastic and direct magazine publisher Xu Jiacheng met their former model sister Tong Yiwen. The two continued to seek balance in their pursuit of love and career....
Zhou Can moved to school in a small town from a big city, a place he didn't like, and kept thinking about going back to where he had lived. His grades are very excellent, so he doesn't have to worry about study in the new school. In terms of personality, he is always quiet, doesn't like to communicate with people, and his ability to make friends is lacking. Yu Jiao Yang is a wild and cheerful girl who has very poor grades in this small town. They are two people who are very different in every wa...
Tells the story of a Communist Party's early history during the turbulent era, examining the remarkable Chinese revolutionary leaders' zeal and contrition for the ascension of the Chinese people....
The movie takes partridge and Chen Yulous exploration of Pingshan as the background of western Hunan half a century later. It tells the story of Hu Bayi in order to save the poisonous big golden tooth after returning from the Longling Cave, leading the Golden Triangle into the iron triangle. In Pingshan, Xiangxi, the story of searching for the long-lost six-winged centipede in the legend of the rivers and lakes, and obtaining the life-saving inner alchemy....
Times of Republican China. Master Ho and his two quick-witted disciples travel the provincial cities. exposing fraudsters who exploit feudal superstition and religious cults....