Saved by the Bell: The New Class is a spin-off of the Saved by the Bell series which ran from September 11, 1993 to January 8, 2000. The series lasted for seven seasons on NBC as a part of the network's TNBC Saturday morning line-up. It was the fourth incarnation of the franchise. The show had the same concept as the original series but featured a new group of students now roaming the halls of the fictional Bayside High School. Mr. Belding, played by Dennis Haskins, remained as the school's pri...
Into every generation a slayer is born: one girl in all the world, a chosen one. She alone will wield the strength and skill to fight the vampires, demons, and the forces of darkness; to stop the spread of their evil and the swell of their number. She is the Slayer....
Kids Incorporated, also known as Kids Inc., was an American children's television program. It was largely a youth-oriented program with musical performances as an integral part of each and every storyline. The pilot episode was shot in September 1, 1983. The show aired in September 1, 1984 and ended in February 9, 1994. Reruns aired on Disney Channel until May 30, 1996....