Vihaan Samat is an Indian actor who is best known for appearing in the television series Humans of My Bed (2018), in the film Worth (2020), and in the web series Mismatched (2020).
Often (mis)guided by a cheeky imaginary wizard, an awkward and lonely 20-something struggles to get out of his own way in his quest for a girlfriend....
From boardrooms to society's margins, five ambitious women from various walks of life navigate dreams, desires and disappointments in modern Mumbai....
Bae, billionaire fashionista is disowned by her ultra-rich family, owing to a salacious scandal and for the first time in her life, has to fend for herself. On this journey, she overcomes stereotypes and discovers who she really is....
After a disastrous set-up by their families, two teens strike up a tentative friendship at their summer program - but deeper feelings aren't far behind....
Kenneth Feinberg, a powerful D.C. lawyer appointed Special Master of the 9/11 Fund, fights off the cynicism, bureaucracy, and politics associated with administering government funds and, in doing so, discovers what life is worth....
Nella and Joe are the perfect influencer couple. But when he cheats on her, she turns to an AI app to erase him from her life — until it takes control....